Terms & Conditions
- The stylish Melrose Café is our exclusive supplier. All food and beverage consumed within the House must be provided by the Melrose Café. Located on-site, the Café offers a wide range of sumptuous cuisine and caters for all tastes, special dietary requirements and budgets. Meals can be served in the Café, enabling participants to stretch their legs and enjoy the garden, or in the meeting rooms if preferred.
- Free parking is available on-site for a limited number of cars. There is overflow parking on neighbouring streets. Melrose is also a short walk from the centre of the city should guests wish to take a stroll.
Wheelchair access:
- Wheelchair access is through the rear entrance of the House, enabling access to the Drawing Room, Parlour, Café, main foyer and toilet facilities.
- Melrose House does not offer accommodation on site. Situated in the leafy streets of Nelson’s dress circle, there are a number of well-appointed accommodation options nearby. Click here for some options.
- A deposit of 50% is required to secure any booking. The remaining 50% is payable one month prior to the booking date.
Cancellation Policy:
- Cancelled functions are not easily replaced, especially last-minute cancellations. For this reason, once a deposit is paid to confirm a function, refunds will not normally be made. Consideration of a refund will be given on a case-by-case basis if cancellation is advised more than three months prior to the function.

General information including health and safety, fire, noise, care and consideration of property, breakages and damage:
- Hirers should note that Melrose House is an historic building. As such, it may not comply with all modern safety standards. The Melrose Society ensures that the House has a current Building Warrant of Fitness and maintains all practical health and safety measures. However, the Society accepts no responsibility for personal injury or harm, prior to, during, or following the hirer’s function.
- Melrose House is situated in a residential area and is subject to noise regulations. Music may be played, but we reserve the right to monitor the noise levels and turn off loud music where it may result in complaints from neighbours. All music must be finish by 11pm, and all guests must depart by 11.30pm.
- Melrose House has been fitted with a monitored sprinkler system. In the event of a fire, in the first instance raise an alarm, ensure the safety of all guests – the meeting point is the big tree on the west lawn. Please note that should the sprinkler system be set off for reasons other than fire, the hirer will be expected to take full responsibility for any costs associated with the alarm.
- In line with the preservation of this historic venue, no candles are permitted - and unfortunately we cannot allow the use of confetti, tacks, nails, blu tack, drawing pins or cellotape on walls or furnishings within the House.
- Please note that the hirer is responsible for any damage or loss to the property, caused by attendees. Any breakages or damage caused whilst the room/s or House is hired will be charged to the hirer.